Notes on Binary Strings

A memory dump of useful functions

Thursday, November 13, 2014 · 3 min read

One of the things I had to do for PicoCTF was learn how to wrangle binary strings in various languages. The idea is that you think of a string as an array of numbers instead of an array of characters. It’s only coincidental that some of those numbers have alternate representations, such as “A”. The alphabet-number correspondence is an established table. Look up ASCII.

Each number is a byte (aka an unsigned char), so it ranges from 0 to 255. This means it’s convenient to express them in hex notation—each number is two hex digits, so 0xff is 256.

Using this, we can turn strings into hex sequences (by doubling the number of printed characters), and then turn the hex sequence into a decimal number. This is great for crypto, because many algorithms (including RSA) can encrypt a single number.

We can also use base64 scheme to turn binary strings into printable strings. It uses case-sensitive alphabet (52), numbers (10), +, and / (2) as the 64 symbols. Each set of three bytes is represented by four base64 symbols. Note that this means we need to pad the string if it isn’t a multiple of 3 bytes. The padding is indicated with = or == at the end of the encoded message.

This post summarizes some really useful functions for working with binary strings.


You can use hexadecimal literals in Python strings with a \x escape code:

s = '\x63\x6f\x77'

To get this representation of a string that’s already in memory, use repr. It will turn unprintable characters into their escape codes (though it will prefer abbreviations like \n over hex if possible).

You can use ord to turn a character into a number, so ord('x') == 120 (in decimal! It’s equal to 0x78). The opposite function is chr, which turns a number into a character, so chr(120) == 'x'. Python allows hex literals, so you can also directly say chr(0x78) == 'x'.

To convert a number to a hex string, use the (guesses, anyone?) hex function. To go the other way, use int(hex_number, 16):

hex(3735928559) == '0xdeadbeef'
int('deadbeef', 16) == 3735928559

To convert a string to or from hex, use str.encode and str.decode:

>>> 'cow'.encode('hex')
>>> '636f77'.decode('hex')

The pattern hex(number).decode('hex') is quite common (for example, in RSA problems). Keep in mind that you need to strip the leading 0x and possibly a trailing L from the output of hex, and also make sure to pad with a leading 0 if there are an odd number of characters.

Finally, Python handles base64 with the base64 module, but you can also just use str.encode('base64') and str.decode('base64'). Keep in mind that it tacks on trailing \ns. I don’t know why.


JavaScript is pretty similar. It supports \x12 notation, and 0x123 hex literals. The equivalent of ord and chr are "a".charCodeAt(0) and String.fromCharCode(12), respectively.

You can convert a hex string to decimal with parseInt(hex_string, 16), and go the other way with a_number.toString(16):

parseInt("deadbeef", 16) == 3735928559
3735928559.toString(16) == 'deadbeef'

Note the lack of 0x.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in string to hex string encoding or decoding built into JavaScript, but it isn’t too hard to do on your own with some clever Regexes. The tricky part is knowing when to pad.

Browser JS has atob and btoa for base64 conversions (read them as “ascii-to-binary” and “binary-to-ascii”). You can install both of those as Node modules from npm: npm install atob btoa.


For the sake of completeness, I wanted to mention how to use Bash to input binary strings to programs. Use the -e flag to parse hex-escaping in string literals, and -n to suppress the trailing \n (both of these are useful to feed a binary a malformed string):

$ echo "abc\x78"
$ echo -e "abc\x78"
$ echo -ne "abc\x78"
abcx$ # the newline was suppressed so the prompt ran over

Alternatively, printf does pretty much the same thing as echo -ne.

Sometimes you want to be able to write more data after that, but the binary is using read(). In those cases, it’s helpful to use sleep to fool read into thinking you finished typing:

{ printf "bad_input_1\x00 mwahaha";
                     #  the zero char signals end-of-string
                     #  in C, which can be used to wreak all
                     #  sorts of havoc. :)
    sleep 0.1;
    printf "bad_input_2";
    sleep 0.1;
    cat -; # arbitrary input once we have shell or something
} | something

Or, if you’re intrepid, you can use Python’s subprocess or Node’s child_process to pipe input to the binary manually.

UNIX comes with the base64 command to encode the standard input. You can use base64 -D to decode.

Parting tips

Use hex when your binary string is a giant number, and use base64 when you’re simply turning a binary string into a printable one.

Use wc -c to get the character count of a binary file.

Use strings to extract printable strings from a binary file, though ideally not on trusted files.

Finally, use od or xxd to pretty-print binary strings along with their hex and plaintext representations.

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